The Platform

The Platform

Review Movie yang sarat akan makna 

Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. One only food platform and two minutes per day to feed from up to down. An endless nightmare trapped in The Hole.

The Platform is a movie from Spain, Spanish Science Fiction Horror Thriller Genre 
released in 2019 and available on
and the interesting fact is the name of cast on that movie use the name in Indonesian accent,
I consider as something positive maybe the director is inspired or looking for a unique name.
Goreng, Trimagasi (Thank You), Brambang (Red Union, Imougiri (Mataram Graves for King)

This movie make us think hard what the ending means, it's can much interpretation we made.
I describe as social gap from top to bottom.


Youtube : 
Andin Channel


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